
Talmud Study with Rabbi Salkow

Jewish Resource Center of the Poconos 1210 N. 5th Street, Stroudsburg, P, United States

Become familiar with Jewish legal theory and the logical arguments of the Talmud - No questions are off limits!


Chair Yoga with Sue

Jewish Resource Center of the Poconos 1210 N. 5th Street, Stroudsburg, P, United States

Build your strength, increase your flexibility and enhance your mental health!


The Thursday Lunch Club

Jewish Resource Center of the Poconos 1210 N. 5th Street, Stroudsburg, P, United States

Join our expanding JRC family of retirees as you enjoy a low-cost, good kosher meal and meet new people!


The Mahjong Club at the JRC!

Jewish Resource Center of the Poconos 1210 N. 5th Street, Stroudsburg, P, United States

Enjoy mind-stimulating and fun-filled hours with seasoned and amateur mahjong players. Thursdays, 1 PM (After lunch)



Torah Study

Jewish Resource Center of the Poconos 1210 N. 5th Street, Stroudsburg, P, United States

Timeless teachings following the weekly Torah portion, adapted for implementation in our day-to-day life.