Annual Campaign

The Annual Campaign of the Jewish Federation of Northeastern Pennsylvania is the community’s kuppah; the common fund that allows us to provide for organized Jewish life here at home, around the country, in Israel, and around the world.

We strongly believe in the idea that Kol Israel Arevim Ze B’Ze – all Jews are responsible for one another – and we provide for people in need in multiple Jewish communities. At home, we work with our partners in congregations, the JCC, and Jewish Family Service of Northeastern Pennsylvania to identify and provide for people in need. Our overseas contributions go to support the work of the Jewish Agency (JAFI) and the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) to rescue those in danger, help those affected by natural or man-made disasters around the world, promote Aliyah and absorption, and help mainstream those in the margins of Israeli society.

Together, we do a world of good and we make every dollar count. Thank you for investing in an even more vibrant future for the Jewish people.