Mah Jongg at Temple Israel of the Poconos
Temple Israel of the Poconos 711 Wallace Street, Stroudsburg, PA, United StatesDo you play Mah Jongg? Want to Learn? Here's your chance!
Do you play Mah Jongg? Want to Learn? Here's your chance!
Every Tuesday 10:30 am - noon Class with Rabbi Zucker no charge
Chair yoga at Temple Israel of the Poconos - weekly on Tuesdays | 11am - 12pm
Weekly yoga classes held at TIPOC on Tuesdays at 10am.
A study of the words of the wisest of all men, King Solomon, from his Book of Proverbs.
Join us as we celebrate: The New Year for the Trees The land of Israel's 7 species All of earth's nutritious produce! Thursday, February 13, at 4:30 PM Jewish Resource Center of the Poconos 1205 N. 5th Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 RSVP to *No Charge*
Build your strength, increase your flexibility and enhance your mental health!
Join our expanding JRC family of retirees as you enjoy a low-cost, good kosher meal and meet new people!
Enjoy mind-stimulating and fun-filled hours with seasoned and amateur mahjong players. Thursdays, 1 PM (After lunch)
Tu BiShvat or Tu B’Shevat or Tu B’Shvat occurs on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat. It is also called “The New Year of the Trees” or (Rosh HaShanah La’Ilanot). Tu BiShvat is one of four “New Years” mentioned in the Mishnah.
Tu BiShvat or Tu B’Shevat or Tu B’Shvat occurs on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat. It is also called “The New Year of the Trees” or (Rosh HaShanah La’Ilanot). Tu BiShvat is one of four “New Years” mentioned in the Mishnah.
Timeless teachings following the weekly Torah portion, adapted for implementation in our day-to-day life.